
Dienstag, 17. April 2018

Biggles in the Jungle illustrated by Terence Cuneo and Alfred Sindall

Terence Cuneo (1907–1996) was an English painter famous for his scenes of railways, horses, ceremonies, and military action.
He was most famous for his passion for engineering subjects, particularly locomotives and the railway as a whole, not to mention his wide range of specialist military works. In fact Terence painted an enormous range of other subjects from big game in Africa to landscapes in Europe. Further success was achieved in his regimental commissions and battle scenes as well as portraits, which include Her Majesty the Queen and Field Marshal Montgomery. (Cuneo Society Website)

Terence Cuneo
 His father was Cyrus Cuneo, his mother Nell née Tenison. They were both established artists who had met in Paris whilst studying under Whistler. Terence's uncles, Rinaldo and Egisto, were also a well-known artists, based in San Francisco.


 Deutsche Ausgabe , Verlag Hallwag Bern, 1957
mit den Illustrationen von Alfred Sindall

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