
Mittwoch, 21. März 2018

The Fairy Book illustrated by Warwick Goble, 1st part

Warwick Goble (22 November 1862 – 22 January 1943) was an illustrator of children's books. He specialized in Japanese and Indian themes.


"Is it very far from hence ?” asked the wolf"

The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood

A young girl of wonderful beauty lay asleep on an embroidered bed.


Hop-o'-my-thumb . . . knew well enough how to lead them safe home, as he had taken care to drop the white pebbles he had in his pocket along all the way he had come.

Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper

 The only remnant of her past magnificence being one of her little glass slippers.

Adventures of John Dietrich

When the cock had now crowed for the third time, . . .the little men stole down and disappeared.

Beauty and the Beast

At last she remembered her dream, rushed to the grassplot, and there saw him lying apparently dead.

Little One Eye, Little Two Eyes, and Little Three Eyes

And she climbed up and easily broke off a branch, withits silver leaves and golden fruit, and handed it to the knight.

Jack the Giant-Killer
When the lady came she gave the handkerchief to the magician.

Tom Thumb
The butterfly took wing, and mounted into the air with little Tom on his back.

Are you not sometimes called Rumpelstilzchen?

The lady then gave him a purse.

Riquet with the Tuft
Riquet with the Tuft appeared in her eyes the most elegant young man she had ever seen.

House Island
So at night, when ail were asleep, he led the trembling Aslog over the snow and ice-fields away to the mountains.

Snow-White and Rose-Red
The compassionate children instantly seized hold of the little man, held him fast, and struggled so long that the eagle let his prey go.

Jack and the Bean-Stalk
Jack . . . seized the hen, and ran off with her, . . .reached the top of the bean-stalk, which he
descended in safety.

Graciosa and Percinet

As soon as the rods touched her, they turned into bundles of feathers.

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