
Dienstag, 21. November 2017

Albert Dubout: Illustrations pour L'INGENIEUX HIDALGO DON QUICHOTTE DE LA MANCHE par MIGUEL DE CERVANTES, 1. Volume, second part

Ambrosio before Grisóstomo's tomb

A guitar; reference to the moment when Ambrosio gets ready to sing Grisóstomo's desperate song. 

Il jetait le livre tout à coup
Don Quixote at his library.
Reference to the dialogue between the housekeeper, the niece, the priest and the barber when don Quixote is taken back home; the niece explains his uncle's madness: "arrojaba el libro de las manos, y ponía mano a la espada"
Marcela dancing 

The procession of shepherds and goatherds before Grisóstomo's tomb 

Rocinante smelling a mare 

The yangüeses 

Sancho and Rocinante beaten by the yangüeses 

la lampe s'éteignit... 
At the inn, during the night, fight among don Quixote, the muleteer, Sancho, the innkeeper, the officer of justice and Maritornes.
Although quite free (don Quixote should appear lying on his broken bed unable to move), one of the funniest representations of this well-known episode. 

Don Quixote during his night encounter with Maritornes

Maritornes jumps into Sancho's bed 

Sancho tossed in a blanket by the innkeeper Juan Palomeque and others. 

Sancho tossed in a blanket by the innkeeper Juan Palomeque and others.

Sancho is given water to drink

ou est-tu, superbe Alifanfaron?... 
Don Quixote fallen among the sheep after attacking the flock and being stoned by a shepherd. 

Don Quixote, stoned by the shepherds, falls from Rocinante to the ground. 

A woman carrying a botijo on her head A woman carrying a botijo on her head 
(Das Bild hat eigentlich keinen direkten Bezug zu diesem Kapitel)
Don Quixote fallen and beaten on his head. 

The shepherd Lope Ruiz.

Sancho follows don Quixote eating on his donkey

Don Quixote mounted on Rocinante followed by Sancho on his donkey, all completely bandaged

Don Quixote with the barber basin on his head (Mambrino's helmet). 

The chain of galley slaves (Ginés de Pasamonte among them) escorted by a soldier on foot. 

After releasing the galley slaves, don Quixote is stoned by them.

Don Quixote 
(Kein direkter Bezug zum Kapitel)

Sancho sleeping
(Kein direkter Bezug zum Kapitel)

Je suis Don Quichotte de la Manche 
Don Quixote introduces himself to Álfaro Tarfe (accompanied by several gentlemen not mentioned in Cervantes' text).

Image of Rocinante; notice its glasses.


Don Quixote and a woman; image without any specific reference to this chapter. 

Don Quixote riding Rocinante; illustration without any specific reference to this chapter.

Don Quixote

Don Quixote without any specific meaning for this chapter

Sancho Pança et Thérèse

Le Chevalier de La Triste Figure 
Don Quixote perfoms his love penance in Sierra Morena (doing some somersaults).

Don Quixote and Sancho enter Sierra Morena 

Sancho mounted on his donkey 

maître et valet, étendus sur l'herbe... 
Don Quixote and Sancho dine and rest after the adventure of the dead body (it should be night). 

Pompous and parodic image of don Fernando. 

Parodic image of Cardenio on his mule. 



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