Montag, 22. November 2021


Thomas Rowlandson (13 July 1757 – 21 April 1827) was an English artist and caricaturist of the Georgian Era, noted for his political satire and social observation. A prolific artist and printmaker, Rowlandson produced both individual social and political satires, as well as large number of illustrations for novels, humorous books, and topographical works. Like other caricaturists of his age such as James Gillray, his caricatures are often robust or bawdy. Rowlandson also produced highly explicit erotica for a private clientele; this was never published publicly at the time and is now only found in a small number of collections. His caricatures included those of people in power such as the Duchess of Devonshire, William Pitt the Younger and Napoleon Bonaparte.  

 Thomas Rowlandson portrait.jpg

 Thomas Rowlandson

 1. Time and Death.

Time and Death their Thoughts impart
On Works of Learning, and of Art.

2. The Antiquarian and Death.

Fungus, at length, contrives to get
Death's Dart into his Cabinet. 

3. The Last Chase.

Such mortal Sport the Chase attends:
At Break-Neck Hill, the Hunting ends.

4. The Statesman.

Not all the Statesman's power or Art
Can turn aside Death's certain Dart.

5. Tom Higgins.

His Blood is stopp'd in ev'ry Vein,
He ne'er will eat or drink again.

6. The Shipwreck.

The Dangers of the Ocean o'er,
Death wrecks the Sailors on the Shore.

7. The Virago.

Her Tongue, and Temper to subdue;
Can only be perforra'd by you.

8. The Glutton

What, do these sav'ry Meats delight you ?
Be gone, and stay, till I invite you.

9. The Recruit.

I list you, and you'll soon be found,
One of my Regiment, under Ground.

10. The Maiden Ladies.

Be not alarra'd. I'm only come
To choose a Wife, and light her Home.

11. The Quack Doctor.

I have a secret Art, to cure
Each Malady, which Men endure.

12. The Sot.

Drunk and alive, the Man was thine,
But dead and drunk, why : he is mine.

13. The Honey Moon.

When the old Fool has drank his Wine,
And gone to rest—I will be thine.

14. The Hunter Unkennelled.

Yes, Nimrod, you may look aghast:
I have unkennell'd you, at last.

15. The Good Man, Death, and the Doctor.

No Scene so blest in Virtue's Eyes,
As when the Man of Virtue dies.

16. Death and the Portrait.

Nature and Truth are not at strife :
Death draws his Pictures after Life.

17. The Genealogist.

On that illumin'd Roll of Fame,
Death waits to write your Lordship's Name.

18. The Catchpole.

The Catchpole need not fear a Jail:
The Undertaker is his Bail.

19. The Insurance Office.

Insure his Life. But, to your Sorrow,
You'll pay a good, round Sum, to-morrow.

20. The Schoolmaster.

Death, with his Dart, proceeds to flog
Th' astonish'd, flogging Pedagogue.

21. The Coquette.

I'll lead you to the splendid Croud:
But your next Dress will be a Shroud.

22. Time and Death, and Goody Barton.

On with your dead ; and I'll contrive
To bury this old Fool—alive.

23. The Undertaker and the Quack.

The Doctor's sick'ning Toil to close,
" Recipe Coffin," is the Dose.

24. The Masquerade.

Such is the Power, and such the Strife,
That ends the Masquerade of Life.

25. The Death Blow.

How vain are all your Triumphs past:
For this Set-To will be your last.

26. The Vision of Skulls.

As it appears, though dead so long,
Each Skull is found to have a Tongue.

27. The Porter's Chair.

What watchful Care the Portal keeps!
A Porter He, who never sleeps.

28. The Pantomime.

Behold the Signal of Old Time:
That bids you close your Pantomime.

29. The Horse Race.

This is a very break-neck Heat;
And 'Squire Jockey you are beat.

30. The Dram Shop.

Some find their Death by Sword and Bullet;
And some by Fluids, down the Gullet.

31. The Gaming Table.

Whene'er Death plays, He's sure to win:
He'll take each knowing Gamester in.

32. The Battle.

Such is, alas, the common Story,
Of Blood and Wounds, of Death and Glory.

33. The Wedding.

Plutus commands ; and to the Arms
Of doting Age, she yields her Charms.

34. The Skaiters.

On the frail Ice, the whirring Skait
Becomes an Instrument of Fate.

35. The Duel.

Here Honour, as it is the Mode,
To Death consigns the weighty Load.

36. The Bishop and Death.

Though I may yield my forfeit Breath,
The Word of Life defies thee, Death.

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