Sonntag, 26. August 2012


The Milchspülersee is located in the canton of Glarus in 2200 m altitude.
I have often looked at him, and one day I would like to paint him.
For me one of the most beautiful mountain lakes. Its blue waters mirroring is unique. 
Of course I was looking for other artists who have painted him yet 
 but it seems that its remote location (an arduous ascent)
the artist has to be prevented from visiting him.
He is also a very challenging subject. The many details do not allow free painting.
20x13 cm, watercolor Moleskine book, Schminke and Winsor & Newton,
White gouache, sepia brown and blue ballpoint ( drawing and shadows),
colored pencils Supracolor.

Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Plecotus Auritus - My new stamp for the Post of Switzerland

A popular scientific presentation of the brown long-eared bat.
The search for photographic references was extremely difficult and very
time-consuming. A fragile creatures of the night and very delicate.
As a trained scientific illustrator my skill is used in applications where the knowledge of an ordinary illustrator has its limitations. Even experts find it difficult to different species and subspecies to be distinguished.
The brown long-eared bats are similar devilishly cute goblins!
I think that my bat is one of the biggest stamps
which the Swiss Post has ever brought to market.
Almost 4 inches "wingspan" :-)!

Donnerstag, 9. August 2012

Italian illustrators from the past...

Some examples of Italian illustration art
Unfortunately, no Names.

Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

Portrait from imagination with Rötel (red chalk)

Only the ear, so I remember, is my own (mirror).
And I was thinking of Wilhelm Leibl, and Franz von Defregger.
The sketch is unfinished, but sometimes it's better to exercice Chinese Wisdom
  and to let it be as it is.
The study of the eyes, nose, various organs in the human face,
leads to the greater whole. And the sanguine is a wonderfully supple tool.