Montag, 28. Juni 2010

Emilio Longoni 1859-1932

Emilio Longoni is one of this forgoten Artists.
He has created some remarkable Mountain paintings.
Italian painter.

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010

Telegraph-Jim Comic

Long time ago, in 1977, I have draw this comic page!

Montag, 21. Juni 2010

Woodcuts and scraperboard

Beatrice M. Christy, Philip Youngman Carter, Sigge Bergstrom.
Im a gread friend of techniques like woodcut ore Scraperboard and the
melancholy/poesie that results from this art.

Samstag, 19. Juni 2010

Admiral Lord Nelson

Again a commercial work for the Magazin NZZ-Folio.

"Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken, drei Ecken hat mein Hut!"

Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010

The Stars - 1981

A other example of my pen and ink works
30 years ago. Din A3.

Montag, 14. Juni 2010

Football WM

Im not a great football fan (prefer to watch Federer...)
My train was stoping yesterday by the little station "Wipkingen"
and I shot hastily with my Lumix this foto before the train
was going again. I have think by my self: Wow, what a
great creativ potential has this footballfever!

Montag, 7. Juni 2010


This is the quick sketch of a gorilla. Im on the
search of a idea/composition for a illustration
(maybe on scraperboard...) with a gorilla that
atacks a blonde (wath else?) woman in the
jungle. The sketch is more a expressive thing
than a finish composition. The photos helps
me to release my imaginations and the
anatomical corectnes has in the moment not
the first priority...

Freitag, 4. Juni 2010

Davidoff - 1982

A other example of my work from 1982 when I
draw for fanzines.

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

B A K U B A - - comic stories of africa from David Boller

A little fine comic book from David Boller. By the moment
just in german language (?)...
Visit his Website ZAMPANO and klick on the english
language button.

Ein kleines aber feines Comicbüchlein von David Boller.
Wunderbar gezeichnet in unterschiedlichen Stilen. Es enthält tiefgründige Geschichten über Afrika und sollte in keiner Comicsammlung fehlen!